No hidden costs, the complete learning platform
No hidden costs, the complete learning platform
No hidden costs, the complete learning platform
Upload, assign, track your own training and get access to our library of 20,000+ bite-sized lessons all at one cost
Thousands of teams trust
Our plans
The foundations for effective training
Starting at:
per month
$30.0/user per year
Billed Yearly
For teams looking to streamline, automate, and deliver essential training
Use Cases
New hire onboarding
Compliance training
Customer/partner training
Internal Training
TikTok style feed with multi-modal content
Create bespoke course
Mobile and web app
Access to free compliance training content
On demand customer support
Host, track and assign internal training
Take training to the next level
Starting at:
per month
$45.0/user per year
Billed Yearly
For teams ready to unlock advanced learning content and AI powered, personalised skill development
Use Cases
All use cases from essentials
AI powered skill-based training
Role-based personalised development
Leadership and manager training
GTM enablement
Training Programmes (DEI, AI, ESG etc.)
All features in essentials
Company wide gamification
Social learning
Unlimited access to 20K+ microlessons
Unlimited access to 800+ courses
Automated skills gap analysis
AI powered personalised skill-based pathways
Skills assessments & certificates
Fully gamified experience
AI content transformer